Wilkerson - Family Name / Last Name / Surname


Retired Moderator
Re: Wilkerson... Their last name?

It has never been mentioned on the show, but in the pilot episode we can see Francis's name tag on his military uniform and it says "Wilkerson." Also, there was a scene cut from the pilot episode where a kid asks Malcolm what his last name is and Malcolm replies "Wilkerson." The writers decided to cut the scene and never mention their last name because they didn't want the family to be associated with any specific ethnicity. This is a bit silly though because it's been mentioned several times that Lois's parents (Victor and Ida) are from Russia.


Super Moderator
Re: Wilkerson... Their last name?

You've probably gone ahead and watched it by now but I watched that scene of the Pilot episode a while back when we were having another discussion on the family's last name and while Francis's nametag was visible I couldn't actually see that it said Wilkerson. Mind you the video quality of some of my episodes isn't that great, which could be why.


New member
Re: Wilkerson

But they do sort of mention their last name on Francis's badge thing in the episode "Pilot". Mr. Boomer wouldn't have put that on there if he didn't want us to know their last name. Only special observers saw that one. -Cough- Not me!



Retired Administrator
Re: Wilkerson

Actually, he shot that scene, then decided he didn't want us to know, but decided it wasn't worth shooting the scene again. :D


Retired Moderator
Re: Wilkerson

I took some screencaps for those of you who didn't notice when you watched it. I tried to fix it where you could see the name better, but the resolution wasn't that great so that's the best I could get it. It was really blurry starting out so I guess it's an improvement. :D You can kind of make out "kerson," but "wil" all runs together. Sorry for the image quality. I had to do some really wierd stuff to it to make the name stand out more. :D This scene is about 12 minutes into the ep. (without commercials).



New member
Re: Wilkerson

i like the idea of it never being known its a bit like on hey arnold cos you never know arnolds sur-name


Site Administrator
Staff member
Re: Wilkerson

I tend to avoid the use of wilkersons. But im cool with it. I personally thing it was a change of tact, just to keep it unknown. I mean look it gets us talking about the show so it wasnt a bad plan!


New member
I have a good question if nobody here can answer it already. What is the familys last name ive been curious of that for a long time and i always try and see if they bring it up in any epesode.


New member
well the fact that it was only mentioned once is quite inconclusive. We could have it all wrong- he could have stolen someone else's badge! :D


Super Moderator
He would have been more interested in submitting the other cadets' assignments as his own than stealing their name badges.


New member
He would have been more interested in submitting the other cadets' assignments as his own than stealing their name badges.

Right but if it were Reese we were talking about... Hey I have a question, why was Francis sent to military school and not Reese? Reese did way worse things than Francis, I mean, it wasn't even their car!
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Retired Administrator
I tend to avoid the use of wilkersons. But im cool with it. I personally thing it was a change of tact, just to keep it unknown. I mean look it gets us talking about the show so it wasnt a bad plan!
On the set they sometimes used "Nolastname." I like Wilkerson though. It sounds halfway "real".


New member
Where did it say Nolastname?

I looked for it everywhere in Graduation -.-

I heard it was on the name tag that fell out of Francis's pocket. But it didn't say his name.