Retired Moderator
I’m sure most of you regular visitors have noticed the dramatic drop in the number of posts over the course of the last week or two. It seems that the usual people are still visiting just about every day, but no one is talking anymore! I’m just wondering what’s going on. Have you lost interest in MITM, or do you think there is nothing left to talk about? If it’s the latter, then allow me to disagree. We just had a brand new episode on Sunday and there were barely any replies in the opinions and analysis thread—certainly there were a lot of good things worth discussing from this episode. Not only did we get to see Francis (complete with all his problems
) again, but we had a classic Malcolm/Reese/Dewey storyline. You aren’t required to write a two page analysis to post your thoughts. Some of us are just really long-winded and we feel that we have to analyze every little detail.
But please don’t feel intimidated by that—your review can be as short as a sentence or two if you want it to be. You’re opinion still counts even if you don’t have a lot to say.
Justin and I have moved up several threads in the Wilkerson Times and Tiki Lounge that many of you newer members may have never seen before. Hopefully we can revitalize them and get some discussions going again around here. Even if the thread already has a lot of replies, it doesn’t mean that your opinion isn’t just as important as anyone else who has already posted. And even if you’re a member who’s been here awhile and your views have changed since you posted in a thread, feel free to change your mind and elaborate. Don’t be afraid to bump up old discussions that you find interesting and don’t be afraid to start new threads—whether they be about MITM, or anything else that you find interesting. If you are a “lurker” who hasn’t taken part in the discussions thus far, feel free to jump right in. As I said in the shoutbox, we don’t bite.
I’m posting this message because I don’t want to see the forums die here in the last few months of MITM…ever. It’s kind of depressing to come here and see that nothing has changed since the last time I visited. It was only a few weeks ago, it seems, that things were really active around here. What happened?
I’m sure it’s inevitable that the end of these forums will come eventually, but a lot of us were hoping that it would be later, rather than sooner. Malcolm may have been cancelled, but it’s not over yet. Let’s not let our forums die away before the show even ends! Who’s shoulder will we cry on when May 14th comes if there’s no one here to listen?
Justin and I have moved up several threads in the Wilkerson Times and Tiki Lounge that many of you newer members may have never seen before. Hopefully we can revitalize them and get some discussions going again around here. Even if the thread already has a lot of replies, it doesn’t mean that your opinion isn’t just as important as anyone else who has already posted. And even if you’re a member who’s been here awhile and your views have changed since you posted in a thread, feel free to change your mind and elaborate. Don’t be afraid to bump up old discussions that you find interesting and don’t be afraid to start new threads—whether they be about MITM, or anything else that you find interesting. If you are a “lurker” who hasn’t taken part in the discussions thus far, feel free to jump right in. As I said in the shoutbox, we don’t bite.
I’m posting this message because I don’t want to see the forums die here in the last few months of MITM…ever. It’s kind of depressing to come here and see that nothing has changed since the last time I visited. It was only a few weeks ago, it seems, that things were really active around here. What happened?