It's football and baseball here in US--at least where I live. I pretty much hate all sports. My friend plays league soccer and that's the only team sport he likes to, so I'm not really exposed to it too often. Although my brother is addicted to any and all types of team sports--especially the ones where people get hurt. IDK, I just find sports boring. I don't mind individual sports like bowling or biking or something like that. But you don't watch those on TV, which means we're completely off-topic here. ;D
To get us back on track, I would mention that Survivor is the only show left from the reality craze a couple of years ago that I still watch. There were so many reality shows in like 2004 that there really were no other choices. I remember watching a couple eps of Who Wants to be a Millionaire, some rip on that with Dick Clark, Greed, Weakest Link, My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiancee, The Apprentice, some boot camp show, Big Brother, The many.
Now it's really just Idol, Amazing Race, and Survivor. I still find Survivor entertaining because it is so orginal. I've never watched the Amazing Race, mainly because I never got into it in the beginning. And I find Idol completely overrated--it is quite possibly the worst TV show. I don't understand why people watch it!