yardgames said:I don't understand personally what is wrong with gay marriage. It seems to me that discriminating against people like TJ is the same as discriminating against blacks was fifty years ago. Maybe fifty years from now, we'll look back and laugh at how we discriminated against these homosexuals, but honestly it's not like they choose to be gay. I mean, in a sense they do, but they rather come to a conclusion that they are, and they couldn't really change that even if they wanted to. Sure they could lie to themselves and society in order to secure their rights, but what good would that really do?
tjpeople said:As Sam points out, @Christina, people are born gay they dont choose to be gay.
Becuase this stops horrible things such as a couple who where essentailly married but not actually in law, for many year, one persons then dies and the family disallows his/her partner to the furneral.
Wildcat said:True, people are born gay, but as Sam also pointed out, they could live a lie their whole lives and be unhappy beause they're afraid of being descriminated against if they admit that they're gay to society. I've heard of people who lived in a heterosexual marriage for years, then eventually accepted the fact that they were homosexual and left their spouse for a member of the same sex.
That's horrible about families not letting a person's partner attend his/her funeral.
yardgames said:Walt Whitman was gay. As is Madonna. In fact, here's a rather lengthy list of gay famous people: http://home.cc.umanitoba.ca/~wyatt/celebs-list.html
tony_montana said:I am like Wildcat. I am straight, and I will outright admit I don't support the gay marriage thing being pushed in the US and I am with George Bush in banning gay marriage, BUT I don't personally judge anyone who is gay. That is their own personal decision and I don't say anything about it. I don't hate gays at all or anything like that. I think it's stupid to hate a person for that reason.
In fact, want to know who I think is one of the best rock and roll singers ever? Freddie Mercury.
Kratos said:I dont understand how you can say your OK with gays but at the same time want to deny them a basic expression of love and simple rights?