Harry Potter


Retired Administrator
Actually, I like Harry Potter. Unfortunately, I'm in California this year on the day it comes out, so it will just have to wait.

As far as LotR and Star Wars, I don't know why I don't like them, sorry. Just know that they weren't exciting enough to keep my attention becuase I always fall alseep when I try to watch them.


New member
Sorry, off topic again, perhaps we should start another thread, but...Have you not read the LotR books? The movie would be boring/confusing to people who havent. I was actually kinda surprised at it's success for that reason.


Retired Administrator
Threads sometimes naturally go off topic guys, please don't vigalante, if you have a problem with what someone is doing, then click the "report to moderator" button in their post. This will be sent to the moderators and administrator by email. This way it does not upset other members and cause confusion as to who is in charge. Threads that go off topic in the grotto are usually not closed, only ones that tend to get aggressive. If someone wants to start a new thread then they know where to do it!

Personally I cannot wait for the new Harry Potter to come out, I am not a manic fan or anything I just want to know what happens to Harry. I am not to keen on the movies but they are better than some other trash I've seen recently on TV! Luckily its still school in the UK while the Harry Potter's come out so I shall get to read it over the release weekend. As MITM18 at the start of the thread, once you have read the book, or if you know something about it don't spoil it for otheres. If you want to mention something use the spoiler tags
available via the above symbol on the WYSWYIG


In UK, there is a price war going on associated with who can sell the book for the cheapest price when it is released tomorrow.

The recommended retail price (RRP) is GBP16.99

The supermarket Kwik-Save have announced they will be selling the book at a discount price of GBP4.99

So, if you are looking for a deal, head to Kwik-Save!

{BTW, I don't work for, nor do I have shares in Kwik-Save - nor have I ever read a Harry Potter book)


New member
My parents gave me the three first books in my 12th birthday. They didnt knew the books were so popular, I started reading them and it was like "Hum, this is kind of funny..." I liked the second one the most, I dont know why.
But the last one was very good.


New member
I'm a huge Harry Potter fan!!
I read the first book when I was 10 and since I'm totally addicted (to the books and the movies!) I love Dan Radcliffe so much!:wub:


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Staff member
Dan is quite cute- but only in the recent film. He got naked (on a horse) on stage here in London last year. I didn't see him...


Dan is quite cute- but only in the recent film. He got naked (on a horse) on stage here in London last year. I didn't see him...

I heard about that. I think there are even pictures of him (fully nude) on stage floating around the internet. Try google images. Not attaching any here though :)

What I don't understand is that because it is a guy posing nude on a stage, it is regarded as an art form and faces no objection whatsoever. However if it had been an attractive woman posing fully nude on a London stage, it would have been classed as pornography and the would have carried stern warnings and/or even banned.


Site Administrator
Staff member
No nude pictures of Dan as that's child porn.

However if it had been an attractive woman posing fully nude on a London stage, it would have been classed as pornography and the would have carried stern warnings and/or even banned.

There are fully naked women and men on the stage all the time. Its common, however Dan made the news cause he's Harry Potter.


New member
I liked the first HP film, but then they get worse from one to the next..
but i still like watching these kind of movies (also lord of the rings) when i have trouble in real life, in school e.g. when argueing with stupid teachers or stuff like that, it takes you in another world :p