To maintain forum discussion and keep you up to date, we set automatic Daily Email Notifications for threads that you reply to or create.
Meaning you get an email, once a day, only if someone has responded to something you posted. Useful right?
I want to stop the Emails!
No problem! Go to Subscriptions > Tick the Threads > Select 'Delete Subscription' > Click 'Go' > Done
Turn off Automatic Thread Subscriptions
Go to Options > Select 'Do not subscribe' > Bottom of the page click 'Save Changes' > Done
This means you won't automatically get email updates for threads you respond to in the future.
Automatic email subscriptions apply to new users from March 2010
I want the Email Notifications!
Great! If you signed up before March 2010 you're not currently getting automatic email notifications.
Go to Options > Select 'Daily email notification' (or instant/weekly) > Bottom of the page click 'Save Changes' > Done
To maintain forum discussion and keep you up to date, we set automatic Daily Email Notifications for threads that you reply to or create.
Meaning you get an email, once a day, only if someone has responded to something you posted. Useful right?
I want to stop the Emails!
No problem! Go to Subscriptions > Tick the Threads > Select 'Delete Subscription' > Click 'Go' > Done
Turn off Automatic Thread Subscriptions
Go to Options > Select 'Do not subscribe' > Bottom of the page click 'Save Changes' > Done
This means you won't automatically get email updates for threads you respond to in the future.
Automatic email subscriptions apply to new users from March 2010
I want the Email Notifications!
Great! If you signed up before March 2010 you're not currently getting automatic email notifications.
Go to Options > Select 'Daily email notification' (or instant/weekly) > Bottom of the page click 'Save Changes' > Done