They Might Be Giants winning a Grammy Award for the 'Boss Of Me' song.

They Might Be Giants winning a Grammy Award for the 'Boss Of Me' song.

John Flansburgh (l) and John Linnell of TMBG at the 44th Grammy Awards on February 27, 2002, with their Grammies for the MITM 'Boss Of Me' title tune. They won for the 'best song written for a motion picture, television or other visual media'. From the TMBG website.
I know this pic doesn't really belong here, as it's not behind the scenes and it doesn't feature MITM cast members. I just put it here as it marks a very memorable event for MITM cast and crew.
I think its perfect here. TMBG & Boss of Me are a big part of MITM, obviously we aren't a TMBG fansite, but anything related to MITM is great.

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