Season 4 behind the scenes press junket, Feb. 28, 2003

Season 4 behind the scenes press junket, Feb. 28, 2003

Linwood Boomer. Jane's dress indicates the junket was given while shooting the 'Baby' (4.20) episode
Marry me?
I will agree
A bride to be
Is just for me.
So we can flee
To our little house on the prai-ree,
Where on our settee
You can develop any idea
To grace our TV
With quirky come-dee! ;)
Thanks! I think it comes out of my failure to understand what "marry me" exactly means, so I a bit mischievously took it literally as if a big Boomer fan was so mad about him s/he would love to live with him. I think you got the Prairie in-joke? Dang, explaining jokes always makes them look bad, doesn't it? Anyway, I don't actually know what "marry me" would mean here.
I say it in a way of appreciation of how awesome Boomer is. As in I like Boomer so much, I'd like him to marry me. But obviously I'm joking around a little.
So I see
My idea
Of 'Marry me'
Was both literally
And figuratively
- Even jocularly -

(But I won't take you up on that :))
This is the last we have heard of him, producing and writing the pilot (first episode) of a planned series 'The Karenskys' in late 2008, early 2009. Sadly, he didn't manage to persuade the studio (CBS) to film the rest of the series, so it was aborted.

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