Happy 16th Birthday Erik!


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<img src="http://www.malcolminthemiddle.co.uk/images/erik16.jpg" title="Happy 16th Birthday Eirk!" alt="Happy 16th Birthday Eirk!" align="top" height="311" width="392" />

<a href="http://www.malcolminthemiddle.co.uk/?cat=4" title="Erik Per Sullivan (Dewey)">Erik Per Sullivan</a> who once played the adorable Dewey in Malcolm in the Middle is 16 today (July 12). Yes that's right 16! its pretty hard to believe.

The MITMVC wishes Erik all the best and we will follow closely his future work, which is currently his starring role in '<a href="http://www.malcolminthemiddle.co.uk/?p=80" title="Trailer and more for Mo">Mo</a>'.


Retired Administrator
Wow, what did he do with his hair in that picture!? You find the greatest pics TJ! Anyway, 16 is a great age to be; good luck to him. (I hope someone gets him a haircut for a present. :D)


Super Moderator
16!!!!! Holy :shit:!!!!!

What is it with guys having long hair? Yeah, I know it's for his role in the movie, but still.


New member
messy long hair is the new style craze. every damn teenage actor here in Hollywood has their hair like that. its cool and all, but i cant stand having my hair get that long, it was getting long in the winter, but i recently cut it very short, like #4 clippers all around.