Amanda Beard - 'Frankie Muniz, He’s the Biggest Sweetheart'


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<img src="" title="Frankie Muniz (Malcolm) and Amanda Beard" alt="Frankie Muniz (Malcolm) and Amanda Beard" align="top" height="229" hspace="5" vspace="5" width="294" /><a href="" title="Wikipedia: Amanda Beard" target="_blank"></a>

<a href="" title="Wikipedia: Amanda Beard" target="_blank">Amanda Beard</a> 2 time Olympic Gold medallist has this to say:
<strong>You live in L.A. — who is the biggest name in your cell phone?</strong> Oh brother. … <a href="" title="Frankie Muniz (Malcolm)">Frankie Muniz</a>? He’s the biggest sweetheart. We go on motorcycle rides all the time because he’s big into them and so is my boyfriend.
Source: <a href="" title="Source" target="_blank"></a>


New member
Wow Frankie always gets all the hot ones saying they know and like him and hanging out with him! But notice she then says she has another boyfriend...mixed signals or what?


New member
yardgames said:
Not mixed signals, she didn't mean romantic boyfriend. Frankie's engaged.
I wasn't claiming anything between them beyond what it says. I'm more just commenting on Frankie's ah... luck. Getting your number into hot girls cellphones may be an even better trick then you getting thier number!

The interviewer just asked for a celebrity name if she had any. It was spontaneous of her to start saying she hangs out with him and he is a sweetheart. It doesn't mean anything bad it just her thought process here is interesting. I think mixed signals is an apropriate classification for when she says that but then whoops I better mention I have a boyfriend in the very next sentence when the question wasn't about that at all!!!
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Retired Administrator
I suppose so, but still how many numbers could she possibly have in her phone if Frankie comes to mind? Maybe she's just one of those people that likes to store every number she dials and receives, even if she only uses it once and will never need it again.


New member
We went out on the track with them last weekend.

I think this means Amanda, her boyfriend, Frankie and Fiance. If I was her boyfriend I'd be wary of these doube dates thats all. lol