Justin Berfield's (Reese) Redesigned Official Site Opens


Front Page Post

As you guys may know, Justin's official website has been undergoing a complete redesign the past couple of months. His site has now reopened with a cool new design and some new content, including new pictures and info on his projects through his production company, J2.

Check it out here: www.OfficialJustinBerfield.com


Site Administrator
Staff member
Thanks for the heads up rye. You''l see its on the front page now, as is the system with all news now. the front page links to here for discussion.

Oh dear the MITM section is terrible why don't they just link to us?

Some nice new pictures, website has nice graphics, but layout/navigation is a little bad.


New member
noooooooo!!!! why did he do that to his hair!?!?!?! :eek:hmy: :eek:hmy: :eek:hmy:

What? you never seen when Reese joined the Army? he did about the same thing his hair then, and it grew back eventually.

Does anyone know, depending on the date of these pictures, how is his hair at this moment? is it still like that, or grown back?


New member
What? you never seen when Reese joined the Army? he did about the same thing his hair then, and it grew back eventually.

Does anyone know, depending on the date of these pictures, how is his hair at this moment? is it still like that, or grown back?

yeah but he had to didnt he?


I think it's a pretty bad design... I mean, it's better than the last all grey one, which was awful, but this one, like you said, is bad with all the frames... Could have been better!


I'm sorry to hear that some of you dislike Justin's redesigned website. I, personally, think it's a very nice design with some sharp graphics and a cool color scheme.


Retired Administrator
Thanks for sharing Rye. I agree that the site looks great, but I also agree that functionally it's not so hot on today's high-resolution monitors. I find the black-on-grey text a bit hard to read too.

@TJ way to be modest about the VC. :-D


I'm guessing that because he works as a producer for Virgin now, and the J2 Pictures & TV company no longer exists, there isn't any need for a personal website.