No problem. I've been meaning to finish the other episodes but just haven't had the time lately. Well, here's 720 "Cattle Court":
Reese, still working at the meatpacking plant, begins dating Carrie who is a vegetarian. To conceal the fact that he eats meat, but still get a way with doing it, Reese hides meat in various places in his meals and on his clothes. While enjoying a day at the park, Carrie takes Reese's bacon-filled hat and starts to run around with it so Reese will chase her. At the same time, dogs attack Reese for he is hiding porkchops in his pants. Carrie discovers Reese's secret. Reese trys to patch things up between them by attempting to make Carrie see how ridiculous being a vegetarian is, to no avail. He then has a bad dream where he is put on trial by a court made up of farm animals and is sentenced to be eaten. This changes his views and he takes Carrie to the meatpacking plant where he works and sets free all of the cattle. Carrie declares Reese a hero just before realizing that the cattle are heading toward the freeway.
Dewey takes Hal up on a "game night with dad" coupon that he's been saving and Hal, unable to find a way out of it, plays a "Life"-type board game after dinner. Hal loses, gets upset, and sends Dewey to bed with no dessert. The next day, Hal pulls Dewey out of school to play the game once more to try and prove that life doesn't always go your way. After Dewey wins again, Hal creates his own version of the board game that more closely resembles real life. That night, the two play the game into the morning with no sleep. Hal eventually wins and Dewey explains that he actually learned something about life and how the world really works, which is what Hal was trying to convey the whole time. Hal throws this in Dewey's face, declaring it "loser-talk", and dances around the table shouting "I won!".
Malcolm is grounded but plans on sneaking out to a concert Friday night while his mom works the late shift. However, Lois asks Craig to cover her shift that night because there is a Lifetime movie she wants to see and Craig eagerly agrees. Malcolm, his concert plans suddenly in jeopardy, trys to make Craig see how much Lois takes advantage of him and to get him to change his ways. Craig makes some lousy attempts to get back at Lois and then feels that she has "suffered enough". Malcolm tells Craig that Lois has absolutely no feelings for him and that he means nothing to her. Craig, feeling a little put off by this, quits his job at Lucky Aide, buys a motorcycle and plans to "fulfill his dream of eating a swedish pancake at every iHop in America". He then says he plans on paying for his meals by playing the Banjo and that the "kindness of strangers" should pay for the rest. After hearing this, Malcolm confesses to his mother what he's done and the two of them go after Craig and bring him back to his senses.
Cold Opener:
Lois catches Dewey bringing a mouse into the house and tells him to get rid of it. He agrees and takes the mouse to his room where he drops it into a dresser drawer where we discover that the mouse was only food for whatever Dewey was keeping in the drawer.
Music used:
No artist-specific music used.
Episode Note:
This episode was aired out of production order. You'll notice that Reese is still working at the meatpacking plant although, in an earlier episode, he gets a job as a telemarkerter. And Lois is still driving the van around even though she won a truck in an earlier episode. I believe the correct episode number for this would be 718? though I'm not positive.