Writer's Block

Writer's Block

Writer’s Block is a 14 minute short film from November 2013 directed by Brandon Polanco.

Bryan plays Dean, a screenwriter suffering from writer’s block. During his stay in the hotel he sees a mysterious woman in a black dress.
That's a really cool short with Bryan, which came about during a lull in the production of Bryan's feature movie Cold Comes the Night in 2012, due to Hurricane Sandy. He asked the production assistants to come up with a script for a short film, and that's when Brandon Polanco won the contest, and the film was made.

You wonder at the end what really happened, what was real life, what was a dream, or what was part of the story the author (Bryan) was putting together.

Bryan's range of expressions, especially in the movie theatre scenes, is terrific.

The complete short can be watched on YouTube and Vimeo.

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